January 28, 2009

Who Knew??

I saw this program maybe last year or the year before that stated that because of the condition that global warming has put this region in, we would not see any kind of major snowfall south of Maine going forward. And I believed it to mean that we would not see any snow at all anymore. So imagine my surprise this season with the three snowfalls we've had already. Now, granted, they did not produce anything like the snow I remember we used to get in the late seventies, early eighties here in the city. Hell, the picture above is from three years ago. I remember that snowfall very well. It melted shortly afterward though.

I was hoping against all hope that this snowfall we got today would produce just enough for me and every other kid in the neighborhood to run out and play and sled. But oooh no!! It had to go and rain right afterward. How messed up is that?!?! I mean, what the hell? It pains me to think that the children growing up here in my beloved hometown won't get to enjoy the fun of snow angels, snowball fights (albeit there would be many a concussion--we NYC kids don't throw like wusses), sledding, snow days and even the occasional cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. God I have great memories playing so hard and long in the snow that I would get inside in the evening and literally fall into a coma from exhaustion.

But then again, who knows, these days we could get three feet of pure powder and these kids would just be mildly amused as they fire up their Playstations and XBoxes...