October 22, 2008

Nights In DC

The seasons changed
weathers chilled
darkened lights
downtempo beats

Grab a chair
hold my gaze
tell me now
rocks or neat

I feel you there
across the room
over space
steaming heat

Piercing stare
visual embrace
shimmering glow
lips so sweet

This special night
unspoken phrase
secret moments
left incomplete

October 17, 2008

The End Of the Line

I fear there is no more hope
for the notion of my finding love
There is no storybook romance
for me
waiting to happen when I least expect
Nor is there the fated movie-like realisation
that he has been right under my nose
the whole time
There is only one hopeless date
after another
after another--
the pool is now a puddle
I used to believe there was
someone for everyone
and by God I still hold on to that creed
But sadly it seems that we live in chaos
and never was it stated that soulmates
were guaranteed to live
in the same time
or the same place...